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 What If I Have My Smart Device/Fob In A Different Location From Where I Manually Calibrated?

There is a cushion built into the manual calibration process for such an event. If your Kevo is not driving the bolt and the light ring is flashing magenta, your smart device/Kevo fob out of range, or your smart device is pinging but Kevo is not driving the bolt, Kevo thinks your smart device is inside. Position your smart device or Kevo fob closer to the lock and try again. If this continues to be a problem, recalibrate your Kevo with your smart device or Kevo fob in the place you most often carry it.

Once your device has been successfully calibrated, you do not necessarily need to keep your device in the pocket in which it was calibrated. During normal operation, you may hold it in your hand, put it in another pocket, or keep it in a purse or backpack.

Pocket: For best results during normal operation, turn toward the lock so that there is a clear line of sight between the lock and your device.

Purse and backpack: For best results during normal operation, store your device in the outermost pocket of your purse or backpack and turn it toward the lock so that there is a clear line of sight between the lock and your device.