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 How do I reset a code on my Powerbolt?

The steps below are to change your access code to a new code. This will also remove any previous codes stored in the Powerbolt's memory.

1. Manually put the bolt in the extended (lock) position. Press the PROGRAM button once, enter your new 4 - 8 digit code and then press the LOCK button.

2. Press the PROGRAM button twice, enter the same or a new code and then press the LOCK button once.

If your old code still remains in the unit, you will need to perform a hard reset of the unit. To perform a hard reset of the unit, remove all four batteries and leave them out for 1 hour. After the hour has passed, you may re-enter the batteries.

Steps to re-keying Smart Key units (Note: You must have your Functioning Key and Learn Tool for this to work).
1. Insert functioning key & turn 1/4 turn clockwise.
2. Insert & remove the SmartKey learn tool. Remove functioning key.
3. Insert new key & turn 1/2 turn counter-clockwise. Done. Your lock is now re-keyed!""

If you did not receive any keys with the lock you can take the cylinder to your local home improvement store and have the cylinder reset to a random cut Kwikset key.

The unit runs on 4 ""AA"" batteries.